Table of contents
The array is like a big container into which we can throw variables and later use them. It helps us to store multiple elements in a single variable using a single variable name. In JavaScript Array
isn’t primitive, it’s an object.
Basic Array Operations and syntax
Creating an array :
const pets = ['Bruno' , 'Buddy' , 'Kuki' ];
//or we can also do,
const num = new Array (12 , 13 , 14) ;
To retrieve elements :
console.log(pets); //prints the whole array
console.log(pets[0]); //prints the first element , arrays are zero based
The .length property :
console.log(pets.length); //prints 3 , length is calculated from 1 not 0
console.log(pets[pets.length-1]); //prints the last element of the array
We can also mutate the array using [ ],
pets[0] = 'Snowy'
console.log(pets); // 'Snowy' , 'Buddy' , 'Kuki'
Arrays also can store variables,
const firstName = 'Debasish'
const fullName = [ firstName , “Lenka” ]// prints Debasish Lenka
We can also include an array inside of an array,
const bio = [fullName , 'Job: Developer 🧑🏻💻'];
**0**: (2) ['Debasish', 'Lenka']
**1**: "Job: Developer 🧑🏻💻"
**length**: 2
push method(adds element to end of the array):
const boys = ['Biki','Gudu','Raj'];
console.log(boys) // 'Biki' , 'Gudu' , 'Raj' , 'Jay'
/*push function also reyturns the length of the new array. if we store the above push
function in a const and try to capture it */
const pushed = boys.push('Jay')
console.log(pushed); // returns 4
unshift method(adds to the beginning of the array):
console.log(boys); // 'John' , 'Biki' , 'Gudu' , 'Raj' , 'Jay'
pop method (Remove element from end) :
console.log(boys); // 'John' , 'Biki' , 'Gudu' , 'Raj'
shift method (Remove element from beginning) :
console.log(boys); // 'Biki' , 'Gudu' , 'Raj'
indexOf method tells us in which position a certain element is in the array :
console.log(boys.indexOf('Biki')); // 0
console.log(boys.indexOf('Sky')); // -1
includes method (returns true if the element is present in the array and false if the element is not present in the array):
console.log(boys); // 'Biki' , 'Gudu' , 'Raj' , 2023
console.log(boys.includes('2023'));//false //because it's testing with strict equality and doesn't do Type Coercion
Array.reverse() :
const boys = ['Biki' , 'Gudu' , 'Raj'];
// output: 'Biki' , 'Gudu' , 'Raj'
const reversed = boys.reverse();
// output: 'Raj' , 'Gudu' , 'Biki'
// reverse is destructive , it changes the original array.
// output: 'Raj' , 'Gudu' , 'Biki'
There are a lot of other methods in JavaScript and we can always refer to MDN for the same ✨. I hope you found this article useful, if you need any help or want to give any suggestions please let me know in the comment section.
Feel free to contact me.